Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. Psalm 100:4
The Lord is worthy to be praised and worshipped! The beauty of our relationship with Him is that we come to the Lord as His beloved children and we also get to honor and praise Him as the King and the ruler of all mankind! We enter into His presence with confidence and boldness because God reconciled us to Himself through the cross, and we are no longer aliens but His children. At the same time, God is holy, all powerful, and marvelous, and we enter His royal gates with giving thanks for who He is and what He continues to do in our lives.
We have much to be thankful for in our relationship with the Lord. Below are some of the reasons:
He holds our lives together, and “in Him we live, move, and having our being (Acts 17:28).” In Him we have faith, hope, and love! He provides us with daily manna, daily grace, daily health, daily protection, and daily sound mind. Without Him we can do nothing, and as we continue to walk with Him, we realize that it’s not worth doing anything that doesn’t have His blessing anyway.
He is the author and the finisher of our faith. He initiated our relationship with Him, and He continues to work in our lives to become conformed to the image of His son. He is the one who helps us navigate through life and grow up in Him. He teaches us His ways, so we can be wise in our dealings and not have to suffer the pain of trial and error, or the confusion of ignorance. He has an answer for our marriages, children, jobs, ministries, relationships, and an unsaved world. Our job is to continue to look to Him for answers and get our counsel from Him.
He stands outside of time, and He cannot be rushed because His plans are far greater than anything we can think or imagine. He is the God of History, and He is the ruler of all mankind. His lovingkindness continues to open people’s eyes to His amazing grace, and He holds the key of salvation for whosoever believes in His Son and His finished work on the cross!
We have much to be thankful for. The world seems to be changing at a faster rate everyday, but our God is unchanging, and that is something else to be thankful for.
Today, make time for quiet moments with your Savior and rest in His love and peace!What are the things that you are thankful to the Lord for!? Feel free to comment below.