Is Jesus Worried?

It is amazing and very freeing when we get Jesus’ Perspective on our lives.  As I was listening to the Lord and asking Him to speak to me, I just suddenly had a revelation. Almost everyday,  at some point during the day, I think about fulfilling my purpose. Unfortunately, many times, I walk away thinking that I am not utilizing my time or my life well. But this morning, I started thinking, is Jesus worried about my life? Is he concerned about my purpose in life? If He is not, and I don’t think that He is then why am I worried?

This is what Jesus says about worry in the following scriptures:

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Matthew 6:25

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

The word “worry” in this context means: to be anxious, to be troubled with cares, to seek to promote one’s interests.

First of all, Jesus has it all under control. I trust Him with my life. Secondly, the Lord is the one who has given me this life anyway. He is the one who has called me to Himself, so He must have a plan. I don’t need to be concerned or remind the Lord about my life or my purpose. He is the one who has His interests and mine in mind. Even if I decided to worry, can I even add a day to my life ?

Will it not just steal the joy and the peace of the day to think about something that I have no control over? Isn’t it a counterfeit to think that by worrying we can change things in our lives? When we trust Him, that is when the real change occurs and we stop worrying. The most important and sure change is that we settle down from striving. It makes us humble to trust Him and not know the future!!

In Matthew 11:29-30, Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Jesus is telling us that we should learn from Him. It means the world system has taught us something that is not of Him, but if we are going to walk with Him, we need to learn from Him. We cannot pour His truth and His spirit in the old wineskins. There is a huge conflict between the world system and the Lord’s system. We cannot reason with the world system, but then trust the Lord’s system.

If we are going to be genuine Christians who are experiencing the benefits of the kingdom, we must let go of the old ways of reasoning. We cannot hold on to our perspective and then plead with Jesus to enter our perspective. He wants us to get His perspective on our lives and our situations. Chances are the majority of our thoughts are not His thoughts.

We need to let go of our thoughts, our opinions, and the culture’s voice and start asking the Lord to put his thoughts in our minds. For example, if you are a stay at home Mom, the culture does not promote the importance of being home and raising your children, but you have to remind yourself that you are building your house and you are building generationally. That takes time and sacrifice, and you will not always see the significance of it in your daily routines or get a pat on the back.  You are raising oaks of righteousness that takes years of building, nurturing, hoping, believing and praying!!!

The scripture says that His thoughts for us outnumber the grains of sand. We need His thoughts for our lives. So if Jesus is not worried about our lives then why are we worried? Can we add a day or an hour to our lives? Can we manufacture purpose? Purpose is not man-made!! If we follow a man-made purpose, it will produce man-made results. We only want the purpose that is heaven-made. We want a purpose that has a touch of Jesus on it. A purpose that is eternal and when it goes through water or fire, it stands!!! It does not fade away. It does not diminish. It just shines brighter. That’s the kind of purpose we want to follow.

When the three Hebrew boys (Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego) as described in Daniel 3 were in the furnace, they did not burn not because they were anything special but because they were in God’s purpose for that time. They did not even smell like smoke. They weren’t worried about perishing because they weren’t looking for their own interests. They just wanted to do what was right. The kind of person who has been touched by eternity’s purpose is immovable, impenetrable, and imperishable because he is carrying the seed of life that does not fade or die but it produces a tree of life with the fruit of righteousness.

Worry is a negative emotion which can cause us to do somethings in the flesh. There are things that the Lord has given us to do, which we should obey and not procrastinate, but worry is not one of them!! Worry makes you think you are doing something when in fact it does nothing except to produce anxiety, or create stress in relationships. Worry can also motivate us to do things that aren’t ours to do or are done prematurely because we have allowed this emotion to have a driving force in our lives!!!

Let’s surrender our days, our purpose and our lives to the Lord and ask Him to guide us in fulfilling His purpose in our lives.




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