Our Responsibility as Godly Voters (part I)

One of my readers and friends made the following comment about my last devotional:

“If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask …. I want a leader that seeks God, not sure there’s any among the candidates in the running.”

This comment was in relation to the topic of “Qualities of a Godly Governmental leader”. I agree that it is a difficult election year, but we still have to sift through all the noise to come up with the best person for this important position.

When we can’t find a candidate who seeks God, there are a couple of things we can do. First and foremost, we should go to the Bible to remind ourselves about the Biblical role of civil government in people’s lives and our responsibility towards government.

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,  for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 1Timothy 2:1-3


The scripture tells us to pray for those who are in authority and intercede on their behalf. This includes those we like, disagree with, or downright oppose. In recent years, it seems like Christians have joined one of two camps. The members of “involved camp”  are very informed about politics, which sometimes can lead them to become political, rude, and disrespectful. The members of  “uninvolved camp” desire to completely be oblivious and stay away from participating in their role as concerned voter. They believe since Jesus is the answer to everything, no need to stress or strive over politics. Regardless of the camp we are in, the Bible exhorts us to pray for our governmental leaders. 

According to the above scripture, the purpose of government is to allow peace (Shalom) to be present in order for people to feel safe and lead a quiet life. It is important for governmental leaders to understand their role as individuals who maintain peace and protection for all citizens and especially for those who are trying to live a Godly and reverent life.

Over the years, the government has taken on many roles and has tried to be the savior/answer to every ill in society. As a believer, we should be clear about the role of government, so we can eliminate non-essentials and focus on issues that the government should participate in. This can help clarify the best candidate for the position.

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional. 

2 thoughts on “Our Responsibility as Godly Voters (part I)”

  1. Thanks for boldness in tackling this difficult topic. Yes all of Us are called to pray for leaders, and all of the candidates.

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