Qualities of a Governmental Leader (Part III)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

One of the most important qualities of a leader is to fear the Lord. Good leaders know where their authority comes from, and they are not deceived about who is really in control. They realize that if it wasn’t for God, they would not even be in that position, so they care very much about what the Lord says in governmental matters.

Sadly, in this day and age, we are more impressed with leaders’ level of education or popularity rather than their level of wisdom. Candidates spend years getting prestigious education and raise millions of dollars funding their campaign, but they would not necessarily bow their knee, pray, and seek the Lord on matters of great importance.

george washington

What if when a president or a presidential candidate gets asked a tough question, he/she responds by stating, ”This is a complicated matter. I need to ask the Lord and seek His wisdom on this issue.” This kind of statement would not be appealing to the masses, and neither would it make the candidate look strong and decisive.

We live in a pluralistic society where we don’t want to offend people with our beliefs. We don’t mind offending God who has given us this great nation and has abundantly blessed us with vast resources, but in the name of political correctness, we fear offending the voters.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

The above scripture tells us that wisdom is available to those who ask. As a matter of fact, there is no reproach in asking, rather God is willing to give it generously to those who ask. The goal is not to create a theocracy but to include God in matters of great importance, and invite Him to direct and guide this amazing nation through uncharted territories. This nation will be successful when we return to the Lord and put Him at the center of our attention.  Governmental leaders should not fear the reproach of man but ask God for wisdom. 

Do our leaders recognize the hand of the Lord who allows them to get to their prestigious and powerful positions? Do they have the courage to acknowledge Him before people and show their faith as a lifestyle rather than a ceremonial event? 

Let’s pray for Godly leadership for our nation, and let’s pray for ourselves that we would evaluate leadership not based on our culture or worldview but God’s view of leadership.



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