Qualities of a Governmental Leader (Part II)

But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring every difficult case to you; Exodus 18:21-22a

The above scripture highlights several characteristics that are important in Godly governmental leaders.

  • Capable: Leaders should have the ability/experience to do the job. They are not just spiritual people but are skilled as well. As believers, we should look for excellence in our leaders as it comes to their capability. We should also train up our children to be skilled in their work as Joseph and Daniel were in the Kings’ courts. Are we looking for leaders who are capable to take on the big responsibility of running our great nation?

  • Trustworthy:  Unfortunately, this is not an important criteria for leadership nowadays. However, as believers, we need to hold the plumb line and not ignore God’s standard. Leaders cannot have duplicity in their words and actions. They should be individuals who are trusted and respected by their spouse, their colleagues, and the public at large. Leaders should not have shady dealings or associations that could cast a shadow of doubt on their integrity.

    Unfortunately, in the political climate of our times, there is much mudslinging going on between presidential candidates. Then people feel the need to take a side with one of the candidates and attack the opposing one. As believers, we should not tolerate or excuse anyone’s shady dealings. That’s a character issue. Getting into the position should be secondary to the candidates’ moral integrity and character. 

  • Hate Dishonest gain: Another important character trait is that Godly leaders hate dishonest gain. If someone hates something, they will stay as far away from it as possible. They will not get close to the edge of a boundary to get tempted. They don’t partake in questionable activities that makes people wonder how they gained their wealth.

Our democratic type of system keep us immune from corrupt and autocratic leaders. However, our costly presidential campaigns, open the door to special interest groups to pour large sums of money in the political engine. Some of those donors are doing it in the hopes of legislations that will benefit their agendas. We need individuals in the legislative and executive branch who are willing to care about the will of God first and the will of the American people second.

I will share about one of the most important qualities of a Godly governmental leader in the next devotional. 

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