The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder…

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:7

The Son (Jesus) was born to virgin Mary, but He was born unto us for our benefit and for our sake! Many prophets & kings were called by God at some point in their lives to do His work, but Jesus was the only one called long before His birth. Jesus’ birth, life, and ministry were prophetically spoken about by various prophets at different times throughout history!

The above scripture tells us that the government is on Jesus’ shoulder. A king never carried a burden on his shoulder. As a matter of fact, a king takes on governing a nation by wearing a crown on his head. In the old days, it was the slaves or the servants who were given the task of carrying goods on their shoulders. Jesus did Not come to look like an earthly king, nor act like a mere human leader! He was given authority to take on the government upon His shoulder. At the same time, He came to serve us, taking on our burden as a servant, and wore the crown of thorns! His leadership continued to point to a different reality than what man knows in his carnal nature!


What does it mean for  government to be upon Jesus’ shoulder?

Jesus’ rule looks a lot different than the rulers of this world. The worldly rulers like to lord it over people and expect others to serve them. Jesus came to serve humanity and die for our sins. The rulers of the world desire to be recognized for who they are. Jesus came in humility trying not to bring attention to himself. The rulers of the world like to show their prowess by their large military exploits. The Prince of Peace chose to overcome every situation with peace, gentleness, and forgiveness turning the other cheek to those who dishonored Him.

The above scripture declares Jesus as the Prince of Peace. All the governments in the world ultimately belong to our God. Because the government is on Jesus’ shoulder, He can bring peace and overrule every darkness and every evil empire in the world. No authority can overrule His authority on this earth!

Today, if you have an issue with someone in authority be encouraged that God has the final say in every authority given to man. He is in control, and He is in charge. If/when He chooses to stop someone from governing, He can easily replace him/her. In the meantime, let’s allow God’s government to be upon our shoulders and walk in meekness and humility allowing Him to lead and guide us in our lives and serve others as unto Him.


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