The Irony of Inclusive Culture

The irony of the current inclusion culture is that it only accepts those who agree with its ideas, but if anyone disagrees with those ideas, they are excluded, dismissed, and labeled with derogatory terms.

God loves people and desires to include them in His household of faith, and that is why He sent His only son to the earth. He is the one who defines inclusion and how to be included. Furthermore, as people of God, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. That means just as we want to be treated with love, respect, and kindness, we should also treat others the same way. However, the current message of inclusion is a redefinition by those who desire to do life on their terms without regard to God’s word, and at the same time demand inclusion.

This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you have not so learned Christ,  if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:17-24

The above passage gives us insight about the current situation in the culture that is bringing confusion, rejection, and division instead of Godly inclusion.

Alienated from God

Paul reminded the believers, that those who do not walk with God are alienated from Him. When we are alienated from God, we miss out on what God is speaking because we are like a foreigner/alien who does not speak the same language. If we truly desire to know what life is all about and how to navigate through it with peace and security in our hearts, we need to be in relationship with the Lord. People cannot be secure and safe in this big wide world apart from belonging to God. It is as if they are speaking a different language. Furthermore, their efforts in trying to demand acceptance from other aliens like them is a dry well! They have to keep looking and digging for more attention and inclusion, but it will not give them what their thirsty souls need.

Ignorant of God’s Ways

The humanistic culture has developed a debilitating ignorance towards God that results in bad solutions for the problems at hand. The culture is a like a teen-ager who is adamant in knowing it all and doing it their own way. Teen-agers think they are smarter than their parents and can figure out life without asking for the parents’ input.

No one can outsmart God. He knows all things and He has all power. It is foolishness to reinvent the wheel and try to do things that are contrary to God’s prescribed ways. He is the alpha and the omega. He was here from the beginning. He knows what works and what does not work. No one can rebel against God and think that they can win.  We are living in rebellious times where everyone does what is right in their own eyes, and they are ignorant of the wealth of wisdom and understanding that God has to offer to those who seek Him. He is a good Father, and He is willing to help those who ask Him.

Feelings do not lead to good solutions

God has blessed man with intellect, emotions, and will, but the soul was never meant to take the place of man’s spirit. We are designed for communing with God and being led by the Holy Spirit. When we are compelled by our feelings, thoughts, or willpower, we are bound to make bad mistakes.

Their Understanding is Darkened

Those who don’t walk with God, have a darkened understanding of life. They do not see things clearly ,and they do not have the right understanding to solve problems. The scripture tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowing Him gives us understanding. 

A darkened understanding and blinded eyes go hand in hand. If someone is blindfolded and asked to guess where they are going, in the majority of cases they would be wrong. The Lord desires to open people’s eyes and give them clear understanding. Everyone is in need of the Lord to reveal Himself and His will to them. Otherwise, as human beings people shoot in the dark and in vain attempt to hit the mark.

The Apostle Paul thought he had a clear understanding of life and truth until He met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Because he was around people with similar understanding, no one challenged his views. He thought he was serving God by getting rid of the Christians who were threatening his way of life and faith. Praise God that Jesus met him on the road and changed the course of his life. If there was hope for Apostle Paul, there is hope for people of this age.

We need to ask God for His intervention in society. Pray that God would intersect people’s lives and get them off their beast of pride and darkened understanding who push their agenda on the rest of the society. It is too bad that people have become so polarized that it’s almost impossible to have a civilized discussion with them. The further away the culture gets from the Lord, the more ridiculous the ideas of life and the greater division between people. We are in need of the Lord delivering people from the path of destruction that they are on and are trying to take others with them.

God calls His people to seek Him and to turn from their wicked ways. As believers, we also need to have our arms open to those who are willing to receive the truth and repent from their wicked ways, but it is not our job to compromise on God’s truth in the name of inclusion. God has His ways, and His method on how to be included. The Lord wants to give people a new nature, so they can be freed up from the bondage of sin and destruction. This is about God’s transformative power that is available to whosoever believes in His son and desires to get right with God. The body of Christ and our society need our prayers!

Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay





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