The Significance of Christian Faith in American Democracy (Part II)

One of the basic principles of democracy is the dignity and the value of human beings. This is a very important concept, and it is the reason why people are able to vote and exercise their choice for religious beliefs.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

Man in his natural state does not have a desire to share power or control with others. He/she would rather be in charge and define the terms of engagement. The idea of the dignity of human beings did not originate from man but from God who created each person in His image. It is also God who gives people a free will to choose how they shall live.

The Founding Fathers who were Christian and understood these principles, had the conviction to build a democratic government that honored and valued people. In addition, democracy allows people to have much individual freedom so long as it is not taking others’ freedom and prosperity away from them.


Unfortunately, we have a dark stain from slavery in American history that seems to refute all those ideals that American democracy holds true. It is a sad part of the history of this nation which still impacts this nation. Praise God for people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who were able to utilize democracy and peacefully advocate justice for all. 

We all must pay attention to the past mistakes and learn from them. We need to have the integrity and the courage to examine ourselves and ensure that we live out our ideals in every area of our lives. In order to enjoy the freedoms we have been given, we must hold ourselves as well as others accountable for the welfare of public good.

Democracy founded upon Christian values is still the best system of government possible that can lead to peace and prosperity for people. 

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional.

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