The Threshold from Wilderness to Promised Land (Part IV)

New situations can make us feel very insecure. That’s why it’s important to hear from the Lord before moving in a certain direction. Joshua was a bold and courageous person, but this was a brand new experience to leave the wilderness and head to the Promised Land! As they were about to cross the Jordan River on their way to Jericho, Joshua needed a reminder to be courageous.

Joshua had an intimate relationship with the Lord and regularly spent time in the tabernacle (Exodus 33:11). This was his season of preparation for what was coming next.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Joshua was bold and strong, yet he needed the Lord to remind him not to be afraid but to be courageous! Joshua was moving into uncharted territory, and it was an insecure place. Joshua’s past successes could not help him in this new situation. He needed God’s security. He had to rely wholly on the Lord and not allow fear to overtake him. Additionally, all the people were looking to his leadership. How could he lead others into a new place if he was fearful and insecure?

Sometimes, we have to walk into unknown places and may be even lead others where we have never been before. It is crucial in those moments to know that we have heard from the Lord and that we are being led by Him. Knowing that the Lord is leading us in a certain direction gives us security in the midst of the unknown. That’s why it is important to be patient and get God’s marching orders. We know that Joshua and Caleb were very patient and did not run ahead of God!

Have you heard from the Lord about your situation? His leading will give us security in the midst of the journey, and when things look uncertain or uncomfortable, we won’t have to become double-minded or react impulsively.


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