The Importance of Waiting (Part IV)
The Importance of Waiting (Part III)
Waiting is an act of humility and love towards the Lord. It gradually removes the addiction to self-gratification and replaces it with the aroma of Christ. It teaches us to surrender our lives, desires, and dreams to the one who gave them to us in the first place! …
The Importance of Waiting (Part II)
We’ve evolved into a society that prioritizes listening to various voices. A significant number of individuals now habitually use earphones while tuning into variety of sources. Our ears and minds absorb a multitude of voices, including those coming from the various gadgets we possess. However, this does not mean that we are good listeners; we still need to grow in our ability to actively listen to the guidance of the Lord!
The Importance of Waiting (Part I)
The difficulty lies not just in the wait itself, but in our innate desire for clarity. We yearn to know how long this waiting will last, hoping that our waiting will bear fruit. Yet, amidst the anticipation, there’s a subtle dance of doubt – are we waiting for the right thing?
The Seasons of Life (Part IV)
God’s seasons are necessary at the natural and the spiritual levels. The different seasons prepare the way for good harvest to come forth at the right time. The Lord is the supplier of seed and the giver of the increase. If we have done things God’s way, sooner or later, a harvest of righteousness will be waiting for us! …
The Seasons of Life (Part III)
God’s seasons are valuable for our spiritual well-being. The fall and winter seasons help believers to slow down from busyness and activities. These seasons provide the opportunity to seek the Lord more and allow our spiritual roots to grow deeper in Him. …
The Seasons of Life (Part II)
God’s seasons have profound physical and spiritual ramifications. The more in tune we are with our season, the better aligned we are with God’s purpose and the less frustrated we are with our state in life!
The Seasons of Life (Part I)
I I love how God has created the natural world that in various ways helps us understand His workings in the spiritual realm. The nature operates in different seasons, and each season accomplishes a purpose on the earth. Similarly, God uses different seasons in our lives to develop us and to fulfill His purpose on earth. …
The Need for Recovery of Sight (Part IV)
Self-righteousness can blind us from seeing ourselves in our true condition. Paul was a self-righteous man who was blinded with his own pride and the knowledge of his religion until Jesus healed him and transformed him! …