Be Still (Part I)
Many of us will make New Year Resolutions because we want to hit the ground running in the coming year. The truth is there have been many times that we have hit the ground running, but we still have not reached the destination desired. At other times, we made New Year Resolutions but within a few weeks, we forgot what they were. The question is, how many of us have been still before the Lord and have asked Him for direction for the coming year!? …
Seeking Jesus
The marvelous birth of Jesus was first shared with some shepherds out in the field. These were unknown men that were not the influencers in the society. They didn’t have any education, social status, or followers in the world, but God chose to reveal this beautiful news to them first! What they had was child-like faith, and they believed when they heard the good news! …
Courage in the Midst of Uncertainty
We all want the new things the Lord has for us, but most of us do not like the uncertainty of the unknown that it might bring. The angel of the Lord visited Mary and declared the birth of Jesus. This began a new era for God’s people as the Lord sent His only son to the earth! However, Jesus’ birth also brought much uncertainty to Joseph and Mary!
The Virgin Birth
Many of us celebrate Jesus’s birth during Christmas, but we don’t focus much on his miraculous birth! Jesus is the only one whose birth came through a virgin. The virgin birth is the great differentiator between religions, and its significance cannot be underestimated! …
Healthy Relationships (Part III)
When we say, enough is enough, and begin to put God’s principals into practice, we can have hope for healthy relationships!
Healthy Relationships (Part II)
Healthy Relationships (Part 1)
Many people have frustrations in some of their relationships, but they don’t consider that the problem could be not having the right balance of grace and truth!
The True Builder
As people become busier during this season, they can be stressed about getting the perfect gifts and throwing the perfect parties. However, we can do things differently. We can use this time to reflect on the builder and the sustainer of our lives. We can focus on our relationship with the Lord and to shore up those areas that need to be strengthened! …