
Is Anything too Hard? (Part I)

Is it only in times of success that we are hearing the Lord correctly? Why does unbelief and double-mindedness set in when we are waiting? Do we believe God only when we have the strength to accomplish the task in our own might otherwise we doubt that it was God? Abraham and Sarah found themselves in this predicament after a long waiting season, and God spoke to them and said, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

Faith and Wisdom Work Together


Sometimes it seems as if faith and wisdom belong to two different groups of people.  Some people seem to have the gift of faith while others are wise. Faith and wisdom appear to be mutually exclusive of each other but they are not. In order to operate in faith we need Godly wisdom, and if we want to operate in Godly wisdom, we still need faith to step into the unknown. To be truly effective in the Kingdom of God, we need both wisdom and faith to navigate through life successfully.

Seeking Jesus

The marvelous birth of Jesus was first shared with some shepherds out in the field. These were unknown men that were not the influencers in the society. They didn’t have any education, social status, or followers in the world, but God chose to reveal this beautiful news to them first! What they had was child-like faith, and they believed when they heard the good news! …

The Ways of the Kingdom (Part IV)

The Bible tells us that “...the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…” (See 2 Corinthians 10:4). When it comes to fighting, the Kingdom of God operates the opposite of the ways of the world. Winning in the Kingdom of God is about seeing people’s hearts and minds changed by the power of the gospel! …

An Ethiopian Eunuch Encounters God (Part I)

Philip was directed by the angel of the Lord to go on a desert path even though the angel did not give him a specific reason. Philip’s obedience led to an Ethiopian Eunuch encountering Jesus. When God leads us in a certain direction, it won’t always be understood with the natural mind, but He has a purpose for it. …