The Perils of Personal Truth (Part II)

Personal truth is the logical consequence of evolutionary theory. This theory claimed that humanity is created due to natural selection and that it is result of survival of the fittest. The Evolutionary theory does not believe that there is an intelligent designer or a Creator who has put everything together. Consequently, this theory left people as orphans to fend for themselves in finding meaning and value in life. Personal truth has become an ineffective band-aid for the chasm created by evolutionary thought. …

The Perils of Personal Truth (Part I)


Whether people admit to it or not, everyone is hungry and thirsty for Truth. In the absence of Truth,  life is shaky and uncertain. Without Truth, people are like a ship without an anchor for their soul. Sadly, Postmodernism has stripped people of Truth, concluded objective truth to be invalid, and disseminated the lie that subjective truth is the way to a noble life. Hence its fruit has been instability in life punctuated with disappointment, loneliness, division, and strife. …

Give Thanks to the Holy One!


This Thanksgiving season is a perfect opportunity to give thanks to God for His great mercies towards us. The Lord is awesome, and He is worthy to be praised! He is the provider of every good thing. He has placed everything in order, including the sun, the moon, and the stars. The Lord has created everything for His purpose and for our enjoyment. The varieties of shapes, colors, and sizes in animals, bodies of water, flowers, trees, and fruits are all amazing and incredible!

Knowing God’s Will (Part III)

Knowing the will of God sometimes seems difficult or complicated for we have many obstacles to hearing God’s voice and knowing His will.  Our past experiences, the cultural pressures, and the voice of the enemy all try to take supremacy in our lives. However, God tells us that when we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him (See Jeremiah 29:13). Romans 12:1-2 gives us insight into knowing God’s will.

Knowing God’s Will (Part I)

Do you want to know God’s will in your life? Many Christians desire to know God’s will but struggle to find it. Searching the word of God and prayer is the foundation of knowing the will of God. The question is, what do we do when we need to know God’s will about something specific such as relocation, choosing the right job, or picking the right mate!? …

Jonah, a Reluctant Prophet (Part II)

Jonah knew the Lord as gracious, merciful, patient, and abundant in lovingkindness (See Jonah 4:2). These are all amazing and powerful characteristics of God. However, this time Jonah was displeased because the Assyrians (the people he didn’t like) were going to benefit from them. So the Lord used an object lesson to teach Jonah about loving others. …

Jonah, a Reluctant Prophet (Part I)

The book of Jonah tells us a story of an unwilling prophet who attempted to run from the presence of the Lord and disobey God’s assignment. However, Jonah was not successful in his effort, and as a matter of fact, he put others’ lives in danger because of his disobedience! Jonah had to face the fact that it was God’s will for him to go to a people group he didn’t like and warn them about the upcoming judgment. We can have similar attitude to Jonah when it comes to some people. …

Faltering Between Two Opinions

In the days of Ahab and Jezebel, the people of God were confused about the true God of the Bible and who they should worship. Elijah declared to people “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” Christians are of two opinions right now. They are divided on what is pleasing to God and what is best for our country. They are listening to all kinds of voices, and they are tossed to and fro about what is Godly and what should be important for this country.