The Carnal Expectation of Purpose (Part II)

Purpose is not something we can grope for or make happen, but if we seek it desperately, we’ll find a purpose. However, it may not be God’s purpose!

We tend to equate purpose with doing important tasks; and we tie it to our identity. The problem is that once we tie the purpose to our identity, then we are on a quest to find it. If we can’t find it, then we become insecure, frustrated, and discouraged.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

The Lord has a different view of purpose than us. He sees purpose as something that comes out of a relationship with Him. He does not see purpose as a one-time event that is given to someone, but He sees it as a process that unfolds as we walk with Him.

For example, generally couple don’t get married and have a 5-year or a 10-year plan on what they will accomplish together. They may have some vague ideas on things such as when to start a family or where they want to travel, but they generally don’t come to the relationship looking for a specific purpose for their marriage. Couples are usually excited and happy to be together. All the other things will come into fruition in the process of them doing life together.

Similarly, the Lord is looking for us to develop a close walk with Him. He is not asking us to figure out our purpose. He knows what He has created us for before we were formed,  but that doesn’t mean that we always know it.

The Lord doesn’t condemn people for not knowing their specific purpose. We hear a lot of preachings on knowing our purpose and fulfilling our purpose. Furthermore, some believers after they are come to salvation, they become performance driven spiritually by seeking their purpose. They are intent on finding and accomplishing their purpose. It is as if it all depends on them and the strength of their will.

The truth is that anything that comes from the strength of our will is carnal. The Lord takes his children through the process where they become weakened in their soulish life, so that their spirit man comes alive. In this process, God begins to show us things about ourselves, others, and the world. He also begins to tell us what He wants us to do which are baby steps towards His purpose for our lives.

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

2 thoughts on “The Carnal Expectation of Purpose (Part II)”

  1. This is so good, Karline. Definitely a word in due season for me. Thank you for your obedience to share God’s messages with us!!

    1. Karline Fischer

      Praise God! I’m very thankful for the opportunity to share God’s word.
      Thanks for sharing dear Holly. I’m so glad you found it helpful. Thank you also for your encouraging words.

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