The Right Friendships (Part I)
Friendships are an integral part of life and are a blessing from the Lord! The Bible has much to say about right friendships. …
An Invitation to Abundant Life (Part IV)
In the past several devotionals, I have been sharing about the secret to an abundant life according to Isaiah 55. This chapter ends with the above two verses declaring joy and peace that comes to every believer and even to their environment when they are walking as the Lord prescribes. …
An Invitation to Abundant Life ( Part V)
The Lord who established the law of sowing and reaping in nature, allows His Word to operate similarly in the lives of His people. Isaiah 55 reminds us of the significance and the impact of God’s word sown and reaped in the lives of His children leading to abundant life! …
An Invitation to Abundant Life ( Part IV)
When we acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, He will direct our paths. This a promise that settles our hearts and minds, and it allows us to truly enjoy the life God has blessed us with. Isaiah 55 gives us more insight about this abundant life.
An Invitation to Abundant Life (Part III)
The abundant life begins by returning to Him! In Isaiah 55, the Lord invites us to call upon His name. He declares that when when we return to Him, He is merciful and will abundantly pardon us!
An Invitation to Abundant Life (Part II)
The Lord gives us an invitation in Isaiah 55 to abundant life, and He tells us how we can have it. …
An Invitation to Abundant Life (Part I)
Isaiah 55 is full of insight on how we can have abundant life. Take time to read it and meditate on it.
The Faithfulness of God (Part III)
Psalm 105 tells us that God made a holy promise to Abraham. Do you see God’s promises as Holy!? The scripture tells us that “God is not a man, that He should lie” Numbers 23:19. God’s faithfulness is established upon His holiness . He is not a man that He should make empty promises to make others feel better. What He speaks, He will accomplish! …
The Faithfulness of God (Part II)
Psalm 105 describes God’s faithfulness with the promised seed of Abraham and being passed down to his descendants. What God promised Abraham would take generations and centuries to be fulfilled, and some of its fulfillment continues to go on. …