The Ways of the Kingdom (Part IV)
The Bible tells us that “...the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…” (See 2 Corinthians 10:4). When it comes to fighting, the Kingdom of God operates the opposite of the ways of the world. Winning in the Kingdom of God is about seeing people’s hearts and minds changed by the power of the gospel! …
The Ways of the Kingdom (Part III)
The Ways of the Kingdom (Part I)
A Lifestyle of Thankfulness
Living a lifestyle of thankfulness is the opposite of our carnal nature. It is a supernatural work of God. When we intentionally become mindful of all that God has done for us and is doing among us, it brings thankfulness and gratitude towards the Lord. Let’s learn from Apostle Paul on how to live a lifestyle of thankfulness. …
The Need for Encouragement (Part III)
When we encourage others, we help them to believe in the work of God in their lives and to take Him at His word. The encouragement can bring God’s purpose on the earth and fulfill His plans. …
The Need for Encouragement (Part II)
The Need for Encouragement (Part I)
The Skill to Confront (Part III)
I shared in the last devotional that fools have no interest in being corrected, and confrontation does not seem to change the course of their decision. Then there are angry and brash people. These individuals are not looking to be confronted, but they have no problem exploding and causing strife in relationships. …