Insights From the Book of Jude (Part II)
The book of Jude warns of individuals that are harmful to the body of Christ. How do we know whom we should guard against!? Jude provides us with some of the characteristics of these types of individuals. …
The book of Jude warns of individuals that are harmful to the body of Christ. How do we know whom we should guard against!? Jude provides us with some of the characteristics of these types of individuals. …
Christians can feel pressured to conform to those around them in order to be accepted. Sometimes, new converts feel compelled to be like their mentor to prove their spiritual growth. Some mentors enjoy having protege’s expecting them to imitate their life to show evidence of spiritual growth. However, when we look at the scriptures, we find that God is not looking for cookie cutter Christianity, and He certainly does not want people to be followers of each other. …
It is easy to conform to others when things are going well, but, at some point, we may find ourselves spiritually derailed. Apostle Peter gives us insight into the issue of conformity and its dangers for our walk with the Lord.
As believers, what we do with the walls of hostility is critical to our spiritual well-being and those around us. People need to see individuals who are willing to break down those walls and shift the atmosphere around them. How are we going to demonstrate the heart of God to a lost world if we continue to have walls of hostility in our lives!? …
Most of us have erected walls of hostility at some point in our lives and have kept others at a distance. We may have erected those walls to keep family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or church members at a distance. Some of us may still have walls of hostility against some people. For many years, Esau and Jacob had a wall of hostility between them, but there came a time that they had to deal with it and tear down the wall. …
Living in a world full of selfishness and sin creates many opportunities for hostility towards others to develop. People can’t get along with others and create a wall of separation between them and others. If we are going to have an authentic walk with the Lord, we need to identify and address the walls of hostility in our lives. …
Although Joshua had been courageous in the wilderness years, the Lord still had to command him not to be afraid as they were about to enter the land of promise. Transitioning from one season to another can make one uneasy and uncomfortable. We can’t rely entirely on our past successes to handle the new situations. We need to trust the Lord and depend on Him for the new unknowns. Joshua had to be strong and courageous in the new season as they were about to cross the Jordan river and enter the land of promise. …
The Israelites who came out of Egypt desired to see the land of promise, but only Joshua and Caleb made it from that generation. What was different about these two? What was about Joshua and Caleb that gave them success!? What allowed them to have a sustaining faith in the face of the same trying circumstances that the others experienced!? …