Guard Your Heart (Part III)
Envying others subtly corrupts the heart. We need to guard our hearts against envy for it impacts our wellbeing as well as our relationships. …
Envying others subtly corrupts the heart. We need to guard our hearts against envy for it impacts our wellbeing as well as our relationships. …
Our hearts can get polluted even in the normal course of life while we are having casual conversations. Sometimes the pollution is subtle and sometimes it is not. However, if we place proper boundaries in our conversations, they will help guard our hearts from being affected negatively by others.
We are bombarded with all sorts of negativity on a daily basis. If we are not careful it can affect our hearts and the way we view life and others. The Bible has much to say about our heart’s condition and the importance of guarding it. …
Jesus invested three years of His life in His disciples. Now it was their turn to reproduce in others what was deposited in them. Making disciples is an awesome assignment that belongs to us as well, and it reveals God’s heart for people and how we should help them to grow up in God. …
Resurrection Sunday is a day of celebration and rest. Just as God rested after He created the world, there is a rest for us in knowing that God did all the work through Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins. We no longer have to be in fear and torment of sin but we are freed by the blood of the lamb. However, following the resurrection, there is work for us to do. Jesus appeared to His disciples after He was resurrected, and He assigned them the Great Commission, which became their lifelong purpose. …
The significance of light in nature cannot be overstated. Light facilitates life and allows God’s creation to grow and prosper in a healthy way. Similarly, we need God’s light for our spiritual well being. Without the light of God. humanity is disoriented stumbling around in the darkness. Jesus declared Himself as the light of the world. He came to turn on the light in a dark world to help people see clearly and choose life! …
People have come to believe the lie that if someone is popular and likable then they must make a good leader. However, we have a lack of good leadership in our society because people are too impressed with individuals’ public image and their promises. …
We live in times that there is a plethora of voices around us who want to offer us something that is beneficial. The problem is that many of those voices tickle people’s ears, but they are not truthful and are leading people astray by lies and deceptions. …
One of the lies that people have come to believe is that they are not enough and that they need to use whatever means necessary to change themselves. The humanistic philosophies have not helped this mindset as they continue to propagate that man can do life without God and that he has the power to define or re-define himself whichever way he desires. …