Humility… The Secret Ingredient (Part II)
Humility is a breath of fresh air in a world that is driven by self-will and unrest. What would the world be like if Christians were gentle and humble like Jesus and chose to remain under His yoke!? …
Humility is a breath of fresh air in a world that is driven by self-will and unrest. What would the world be like if Christians were gentle and humble like Jesus and chose to remain under His yoke!? …
When we read the Bible, interweaved in much of the stories is the story of humility or its lack. Humility is the invisible ingredient that brings success to a person or society. …
God’s timing is an important aspect of walking with Him. To live a surrendered life, we must trust God’s timing. The Lord is the master of time, and just as He has the power to keep the sun, the moon, and the galaxies in proper order and timing, He also directs His children’s steps according to His timing and His will.
When we come to Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we are full of joy and excitement to surrender our lives to Him. The truth is that surrendering our lives to the Lord is not a one-time event, but it is a daily decision that requires intentionally yielding our will to His will. …
How we do know if our hearts are guarded!? The word of God gives us insight on how to do a heart check-up and find out if our heart is healthy spiritually.
The scripture tells us that what comes out of us is a good indication of the condition of our hearts. People tend to focus on the external and how someone is dressed or how well-spoken they are. However, the Lord always goes to the root of the issue, which is the condition of our internal world. God told Samuel that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (See 1 Samuel 16:7). …
Envying others subtly corrupts the heart. We need to guard our hearts against envy for it impacts our wellbeing as well as our relationships. …
Our hearts can get polluted even in the normal course of life while we are having casual conversations. Sometimes the pollution is subtle and sometimes it is not. However, if we place proper boundaries in our conversations, they will help guard our hearts from being affected negatively by others.
We are bombarded with all sorts of negativity on a daily basis. If we are not careful it can affect our hearts and the way we view life and others. The Bible has much to say about our heart’s condition and the importance of guarding it. …
Jesus invested three years of His life in His disciples. Now it was their turn to reproduce in others what was deposited in them. Making disciples is an awesome assignment that belongs to us as well, and it reveals God’s heart for people and how we should help them to grow up in God. …