
King of Kings and Prince of Peace (Part III)


Mary didn’t understand how Jesus could be conceived and grow within her, yet she chose to trust, accept, and receive the gift from the Lord.

In our walk with God, we often do not fully comprehend how He is working in and through us. Yet, His hands are continually shaping us, growing us, and strengthening as we walk with Him.

A Song of Thanksgiving

When the ark of the Lord was brought to Jerusalem, it was a day of celebration and thanksgiving. David presented a psalm and a song of thanksgiving to the Lord for that special day. He declared God’s power, greatness, and His wondrous works. He reminded the Israelites that they belong to Him and that He has a covenant with them. This is also a great passage for us to sing and read out loud as we give thanks to the Lord and declare His marvelous works in our midst! Tell someone about Him this week!