A Reminder for the New Year
It’s good to be reminded from time to time of the basics of our walk with God: a simple devotion to Christ and a sincere love for others. Below is a passage from the book of Romans in the Message translation. …
It’s good to be reminded from time to time of the basics of our walk with God: a simple devotion to Christ and a sincere love for others. Below is a passage from the book of Romans in the Message translation. …
Mary didn’t understand how Jesus could be conceived and grow within her, yet she chose to trust, accept, and receive the gift from the Lord.
In our walk with God, we often do not fully comprehend how He is working in and through us. Yet, His hands are continually shaping us, growing us, and strengthening as we walk with Him.
When finally Adam and Eve had to face the truth about their sin, they caved in weakness by blaming each other. This action resulted in the Lord pronouncing a punishment on them. …
During his journey to meet Esau, Jacob wrestled with God one night. Do you find yourself wrestling with God like Jacob did? Jacob refused to let go, and that night, God revealed Himself to Jacob!
I I love how God has created the natural world that in various ways helps us understand His workings in the spiritual realm. The nature operates in different seasons, and each season accomplishes a purpose on the earth. Similarly, God uses different seasons in our lives to develop us and to fulfill His purpose on earth. …
If we desire to become Christ-like, we should not resist developing patience but instead embrace it! …
The book of Acts is known as the Acts of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit became the catalyst for the first gospel message to be preached by Peter and for the New Testament church to be birth. The old way of relating to God had past and the new living way of relating to God had begun! …