The Skill to Confront (Part I)
Dealing with Insecurities (Part V)
Insecurities are an attack on the truth of who we are in Christ and our secure identity in Him. We are already approved by God! …
Dealing with Insecurities (Part IV)
Insecurities make us rely on others’ approval to gauge our value and worth. They also create unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others. This makes a fragile system for our sense of wellbeing because there is no room for failure, mistake, or weakness. The higher our expectations of ourselves and others, the greater chance of being let down, which in turn feeds the monster of insecurity. …
Dealing with Insecurities (Part III)
Many talk about peer pressure in the teenage years, but in truth, peer pressure continues to follow people long into adulthood. Peer pressure plays on the need to feel secure in our relationships and to be accepted. The need to feel secure in our relationships leads us to expect others to be like us, or we feel the pressure to be like others. …
Dealing with Insecurities (Part II)
We live in insecure times, and many voices compel people into action to be sure they don’t miss out on anything. The truth is that when someone takes matters into his/her own hands and tries to make something happen, there is a greater chance of missing out on what the Lord wants to do in their lives. …
Dealing with Insecurities (Part I)
Most of us have various insecurities, but we don’t like to talk about them. By the very nature of admitting that we have insecurities, it makes us more insecure! The problem is that if we don’t see our insecurities for what they are, they will continue to linger and cause problems in our relationships with the Lord and with others. …
The God of Glory
Heaven and earth belong to the Lord, and He chooses to reveal Himself to people whichever way He chooses. However, somewhere along the line, the Jewish people thought that He can be contained in the temple. While it was at the direction of the Lord that Moses made the tabernacle, God never limited His presence to a location or a building. …
An Ethiopian Eunuch Encounters God (Part III)
An Ethiopian Eunuch Encounters God (Part II)
Philip courageously approached an Ethiopian official’s chariot and asked the Eunuch if he understood what he read in the book of Isaiah. Many read the Bible but they do not have a clear or correct understanding of the Bible. Will we have the courage to ask people if they understand what they are reading!?