The Sanctity of Life

The sanctity of Life has been a political battle for many decades, and people from both camps have passionate views on this matter.  In reality, this is not a debatable issue because we are not the creator nor the preserver of life. Whenever human life becomes a political issue, we are on a slippery slope. The debate on this crucial issue forces people to determine whose life is valuable and whose is not! The Lord creates every human being in their mother’s womb, and shapes them uniquely according to His design and plan (See Psalm 71:6 and Psalm 139:13-15). He is the one who determines the value and the significance of every life. …

God’s Provision (Part II)


Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:9b-11

When we pray to the Lord to “Give us this day our daily bread,’ we are expressing our need to our Abba Father, our Creator, all powerful God,  and the One who loves us the most. The Lord is a generous Father, and He knows how to provide for His children in supernatural and natural ways. …

God’s Provision (Part I)

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:9b-11

One of the simplest and greatest declarations in the Bible is to ask the Lord for our daily bread! This child-like request shows that regardless of our age, maturity in God, and status in life, we are all in need of our heavenly Father, on daily basis, for His provision. …

God’s Plans for His People… (Part II)

God spoke to Israelites in captivity through His prophet Jeremiah by giving them exhortation, instruction, and correction. The Lord told the people that His plans for them were not to harm them but to give them a hope and a future. The fruition of God’s plans were going to come through a process, and it required their obedience and cooperation. …



We live in a culture that opinions are a dime a dozen! We have no lack of opinion about various subject matters whether we have much knowledge about them or not. Developing opinions and critical thinking is part of our academic training, and it is a way that we show we have intelligence. However, God is not impressed with our opinions. As a matter of fact, our opinions are a hindrance to our spiritual growth and maturity. God sometimes, by His mercy, overrules our opinions to open our eyes to new possibilities and new levels of freedom. …

God and Government- The Role of a Christian in a Democracy

Some Christians claim that as believers we should stay out of politics because we should not impose our views on others. They claim that, after all, we have a “separation of church of state.” The truth is that this phrase is not in the Constitution and neither is it in the Declaration of Independence. …

God and Government- Wealth & Giving


If we are going to have a healthy society, we need to stop looking to civil government for various social needs. The church and Christian people should take the lead to be a voice for the issues impacting their communities. As believers, instead of looking to civil government for all the answers, we need to become the answer! God is not against wealth and prosperity, but He wants us to be generous and to use it to help those in need. The Lord has solutions, and we need to pay attention to God’s heart in reaching the hurting, bringing hope of transformation, and show the love and the kindness of God to the lost. …

God and Government – Capitalism Versus Socialism


Capitalism versus socialism has been a hot topic in the current era, and people on both sides advocate for their views. These two systems determine how industries function, the level of taxation, the freedom of choice, invention opportunities, risk taking, the quality of service, and a whole host of other factors that impact every person’s life. In this devotional, I will share the differences between these two systems and what the Bible principally instructs us about these important issues. …