The Irony of Justice with No Moral Standard (Part II)


Establishing justice based on our preferences is no justice at all. To declare some action just or unjust, the presupposition is that we all agree on a moral standard that makes it clear what is just or unjust. If we cannot agree on what is right and just, then we will not agree on what is immoral and unjust. This seems to me what is happening in our culture, and it is one of the reasons why offense is on the rise in the culture. …

The Fear of the Lord is a Blessing! (Part III)

If education and reading a library full of books could have made us wiser, we should have seen it by now. However, we see the opposite. We may have gained much head knowledge and information, but it has not made us any wiser or given us a better understanding.  People have a hard time getting along with each other, and there are misunderstandings everywhere. So how do we gain the kind of wisdom that helps us to live a life of peace, stability, and understanding!? The Lord’s answer has not changed; it is simple yet powerful!

The Fear of the Lord is a Blessing (Part II)

Everyone wants to be happy in life, but many try to find it with their own futile attempts. They don’t realize that to be truly content we need to go the author of life the one who has designed it for us.
People reject the fear of God as if it will take away their freedom. To the contrary, it is only through a healthy fear of the Lord that we can we live a life of peace, meaning, and freedom.