The Importance of Mercy and Truth (Part II)
Living in mercy and truth is supposed to be lifestyle for a Christian. The scriptures give us a better understanding of the importance of mercy and truth! …
The Importance of Mercy and Truth (Part I)
Mercy and truth are not words or concepts that is much talked about in the culture, but they are foundational to our faith! …
David Believed God…
The Mind of Christ (Part II)
Biblical Compassion (Part 1)
A Wall of Hostility (Part I)
Living in a world full of selfishness and sin creates many opportunities for hostility towards others to develop. People can’t get along with others and create a wall of separation between them and others. If we are going to have an authentic walk with the Lord, we need to identify and address the walls of hostility in our lives. …
The Land of Promise (Part V)
Although Joshua had been courageous in the wilderness years, the Lord still had to command him not to be afraid as they were about to enter the land of promise. Transitioning from one season to another can make one uneasy and uncomfortable. We can’t rely entirely on our past successes to handle the new situations. We need to trust the Lord and depend on Him for the new unknowns. Joshua had to be strong and courageous in the new season as they were about to cross the Jordan river and enter the land of promise. …
Navigating through Uncertain Times (Part I)
We live in times that things are changing very fast all around us, and navigating through the fog of uncertainty can be challenging. Psalm 33 is a great passage that gives us encouragement in these uncertain times. …
Unto Us a Son is Given
The beauty of the Christmas season is that it gives us the opportunity to ponder how God has richly blessed humanity with the gift of His Son! “For unto us a Child is born..” This is the Good News that the world desperately needs to hear.