The Romance of Ministry (Part I)
In Jesus’ time, ministry was not glamorous nor profitable. However, these days, ministry has an appeal and expectation that seems romantic and idealistic.
Isaiah 41
True Acceptance (Part IV)
We can’t pursue our truth and at the same expect to be accepted. If we want true acceptance, we need to go to the Designer and the Creator of life who has already defined acceptance on His terms. His standard of acceptance is unchanging! …
True Acceptance (Part III)
Nowadays, people want to define their own right and wrong and expect others to accept them. That is a formula for frustration not acceptance! …
True Acceptance (Part II)
Humanity labors needlessly attempting to find acceptance in life by various natural means. Jesus called all those who labor and weary to come to Him. Jesus’ invitation is the Lord opening His arms of acceptance to bring security and sanity in a confused world. His acceptance also brings life and fruitfulness in our lives. …
True Acceptance (Part I)
We have created a culture that looks for false definitions of acceptance and how to receive it. However, the Lord is the one who defines what acceptance is and how to receive true acceptance! …
The Pollution in the Air (Part IV)
The Pollution in the Air (Part III)
We spend a lot of money to reduce the amount of waste and pollution in the landfills and to ensure that we can save the environment from harmful and synthetic materials. However, the scripture tells us about another type of land defilement that comes from people’s spiritual condition! …
The Pollution in the Air (Part II)
The scripture likens our tongue to a spring of water. Depending on its quality, it can either bring refreshment or harm to the body. …