The Skill to Confront (Part I)
An Ethiopian Eunuch Encounters God (Part III)
A Wall of Hostility (Part II)
Most of us have erected walls of hostility at some point in our lives and have kept others at a distance. We may have erected those walls to keep family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or church members at a distance. Some of us may still have walls of hostility against some people. For many years, Esau and Jacob had a wall of hostility between them, but there came a time that they had to deal with it and tear down the wall. …
The Land of Promise (Part IV)
The Israelites who came out of Egypt desired to see the land of promise, but only Joshua and Caleb made it from that generation. What was different about these two? What was about Joshua and Caleb that gave them success!? What allowed them to have a sustaining faith in the face of the same trying circumstances that the others experienced!? …
Humility… The Secret Ingredient (Part IV)
Humility is the hidden gem that brings the favor of God and man. Humble people have less relational drama in their lives for they don’t see themselves better than others. …
Humility…The Secret Ingredient (Part III)
Humility is the invisible and the powerful factor that gets God’s attention. The Lord is pleased to pour out His grace upon a humble person and to be their shepherd. …
Humility… The Secret Ingredient (Part I)
When we read the Bible, interweaved in much of the stories is the story of humility or its lack. Humility is the invisible ingredient that brings success to a person or society. …
A Surrendered Life (Part I)
When we come to Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we are full of joy and excitement to surrender our lives to Him. The truth is that surrendering our lives to the Lord is not a one-time event, but it is a daily decision that requires intentionally yielding our will to His will. …
The Light of the World
The significance of light in nature cannot be overstated. Light facilitates life and allows God’s creation to grow and prosper in a healthy way. Similarly, we need God’s light for our spiritual well being. Without the light of God. humanity is disoriented stumbling around in the darkness. Jesus declared Himself as the light of the world. He came to turn on the light in a dark world to help people see clearly and choose life! …